(CBS) I didn't get into F.E.A.R. until the sequel, F.E.A.R. 2 (F2), two years back; and aside from being occasionally creped out at times, I enjoyed my experience. Admittedly my initial reactions to the first "Alma" sighting was much like a grade school student seeing their parent naked for the first time unintentionally. Though a bit squeamish at the outset I played through F2 with renewed zeal to conquer my fear of the dark.
In some instances of the game I was reminded of specific scenes from the movie "The Ring". Alma, the ultimate antagonist in this franchise, struck a very striking resemblance to Samara, the little girl who's voice you would he auspiciously hear after watching a tape and would presumably kill you in 7 days time.
F.E.A.R. 2 had a very interesting ending where we know Alma lives since the last image Becket, the protagonist, has is her being pregnant. Those of you have played the game to the end know the scene being referenced so we won’t discuss who the - ahem - father is. That said it was only logical that there be a third iteration. But like many other games that follow this path, will F.E.A.R. 3 pale in comparison to its predecessors?
Based on the press release that Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment (WBIE) sent out today, that might not be the case. The next version of the game will introduce a cooperative (co-op) mode. This could add some interesting play elements but only time will tell. Check out the following press release
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