Windows 7 becomes fastest selling OS in history


Last night at the CES 2010 keynote, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced that Windows 7 has become the fastest selling operating system in history. Craig Beilinson, the Director of Marketing for the company’s Entertainment and Devices Division, also agrees. Neither Ballmer nor Beilinson shared actual unit sales numbers, but Beilinson did have evidence to back him up.

PC sales nearly jumped 50% during the week of Windows 7’s launch over the week before; Black Friday also brought the numbers as PC sales were up 63% over last year’s shopping holiday; and for 2009’s holiday season, there were more than a 50% increase in PC sales in comparison to 2008’s holiday season.

According to Fast Company , Beilinson also boasted about the diversity of the Windows 7 operating system. The operating system is available on 1,700 PCs, but also 11,000 Windows 7-compatible devices and components. Keep in mind, however, with the World using more and more technology, there are more PCs in existence than when Vista and XP hit the market.

Fellow geeks and enthusiasts might agree that Microsoft is loosing its edge, but one thing is certain: we are still seeing Microsoft technology in every aspect of our World: Netbooks and Tablets (also the recently revealed HP slate), Windows Mobile 6.5 in a variety of smartphones, with Microsoft even extending its technology into the car industry.


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